Domenica, Febbraio 09, 2025
Le Coordinate del Tuo Futuro
Via Zustovič 6, 6310 Isola - Izola, Slovenia - tel.: (+386) 5 663-11-00
Mag 15 2023







Team members: Jakob Hodžić, Amira Avmedi, Dominik Rabak Vukić, Matija Santin.

The Dissemination activity was held on the 24th of May.

Since the we as a team joined the project under special circumstances and had no direct connection to the sending organization, we decided to present the outcome of the training course “Break the Circle” at our middle school, Pietro Coppo of Izola.


Our team prepared a workshop that lasted 4 school periods (180min total), during which we presented the project as a whole, the training course, vaguely mentioned the topics discussed during the course (the concept of “youth worker”, digital citizenship, master suppression techniques, spiral of silence…), presented the happenings during the project from a personal perspective (new acquaintances, volunteering and collaboration offers, core memories of the project), and lastly gave our personal opinions about the experiences.

Afterwards, the 38 participant students from the 1st, 4th and 5th grades were split into 6 groups with 5 to 6 people each, with the task of doing group research and presenting certain topics that we encountered in the project with the objective of spreading awareness and knowledge on said topics.


The topics that were researched and presented by the students were:


  1. Digital citizenship,
  2. Digital wellbeing,
  3. Master suppression techniques,
  4. The spiral of silence,
  5. Tools and methods to prevent cyberbullying,
  6. The concept of “youth worker”.


At the end of the presentations, the concepts were debated with uncertainties about individual subjects enlightened by the presenters.

















Recapiti Telefonici

segreteria  (+386) 5 663-11-00
presidenza  (+386) 5 663-11-01
consulenza scolastica  (+386) 5 663-11-03
sala insegnanti  (+386) 5 663-11-05
biblioteca  (+386) 5 663-11-06
officina  (+386) 5 663-11-07
fax  (+386) 5 663-11-08

La scuola media Pietro Coppo gode del sostegno finanziario del Ministero degli affari esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale della Repubblica Italiana per il tramite dell'Unione Italiana.

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